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Swift 5 cheatsheet

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let myInt = 5
let myString = "5.5"


var myInt = 5
myInt = myInt + 5

Type annotations

let myInt: Int = 5
let myString: String = "5.5"

If statement

if 5 > 3 {
  print("5 is more than 3")
} else {
  print("5 is not more than 3")
// Output: "5 is more than 3"


let myInt: Int? = 5
if let unwrappedInt = myInt {
  print("myInt is \(unwrappedInt)")
// Output: "myInt is 5"


enum CompassPoint {
  case north, south, east, west
var direction: CompassPoint = .north

Switch statement

switch direction {
case .north: print("Going north!")
case .south: print("Going south...")
default: print("Going east or west.")
// Output: "Going north!"

Function with param and return

func square(x: Int) -> Int {
  let squaredValue = x * x
  return squaredValue

Calling a function

let squareOf6 = square(x: 6)
print("Square of 6 is: \(squareOf6)")
// Output: "Square of 6 is: 36"

Declaring a struct

struct MyStruct {
  var myInt: Int
  let myStr: String
  mutating func squareMyInt() {
    myInt = myInt * myInt

Instantiating a struct

var obj = MyStruct(myInt: 5,
                   myStr: "Hi! 👋")
print("\(obj.myStr) \(obj.myInt)")
// Output: "Hi! 👋 25"


var myArr = [1, 3]

Loop over array

var sum = 0
for element in myArr {
  sum += element
// Output: "9"